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Martin Teulan appointed to key Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons role

Martin Teulan has been appointed executive director of the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons.

Education First Nations

Indigenous attendance rates highest in Catholic schools

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Catholic schools in New South Wales have the highest attendance rates of Indigenous students in the state, a report from the sector has revealed. Source: Daily Telegraph.

Ecology Environment

Online launch to celebrate Season of Creation launch

Catholic communities nationwide are invited to join the online launch of the Season of Creation, the annual ecumenical celebration of prayer and action for “our common home”. Source: Caritas Australia.

Africa Legal Matters

South African bishops file class-action suit against Perth-based mining company

The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference has initiated a class-action suit against a global mining company, based in Australia, on behalf of current and former miners who turned to the Church for help after contracting incurable lung diseases. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

Imitate Jesus in being steadfast but open to change: Pope

Christians should imitate Jesus in being steadfast – not inflexible – in their convictions, thus being open to change for the good of others, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: National Catholic Register.


Threat to detonate explosives at Vatican a hoax

A 53-year-old man was arrested on Friday after leading police on a long chase through Rome, which ended with the perpetrator insisting that he planned to detonate a truckload of explosives at the Vatican, although the claim turned out to be a hoax. Source: Crux.

Charity Housing

Vinnies calls for more action to solve housing crisis

The St Vincent de Paul National Council has welcomed the commitments of national cabinet and the Commonwealth this week to address the housing and rental crisis.


Anglicans warn euthanasia may force exit from aged care  

A key Anglican organisation has warned that euthanasia could become so morally corrupting for church-run aged care facilities that it may have to exit the industry. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Catholic school families to receive support as part of transition plan

Families and carers of students attending four Melbourne Catholic primary schools will receive financial and wellbeing support to assist them with transitioning to neighbouring schools from 2024. Source: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.