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In The Dioceses Synod

Archbishop Coleridge launches Brisbane’s SYNOD24 document

Action plans from Brisbane Archdiocese’s SYNOD24 have been published in a final document launched in the cathedral precinct last week. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Appointment HIgher Education

ACU Senate reappoints Skrbis for second five-year term

Zlatko Skrbis has been appointed for a second five-year term as Vice-Chancellor and President of Australian Catholic University. 

Migrants Social Services

Catholic organisations reject changes to migration bills

Catholic Social Services Victoria, the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum and the Refugee Council, have expressed deep concerns about the implications of the Migration Amendment Bills passed last week by the Senate. 

Financial Abuse

Parliamentary report reveals widespread misuse of financial system by abusers

Vulnerable Australians are being failed by the financial system, with a parliamentary committee finding the banking, insurance, and lending systems were being weaponised. Source: The Australian.


More young men than women identifying as Christian 

More Gen Z men are identifying as Christian than their female peers for the first time since research began nearly 30 years ago, according to new Australian data. Source: ABC News.


Oblates ‘championing best practices in safeguarding’

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate are championing best practices in safeguarding, according to an audit report published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd.


Pope, cardinal advisers discuss collegiality and role of women in the Church

During two days of meetings, Pope Francis and his closest cardinal advisers discussed the relationship between local churches and other institutional Church assemblies, a main topic of discussion to come out of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality. Source: NCR Online.

South America

Amazon gets its third hospital ship

After more than three years of work to transform a passenger ship of the Amazon into a hospital boat, Saint John 23 will be launched tomorrow, offering healthcare services to riverside communities of the Amazonas state in Brazil. Source: Crux.

Film Review

Hugh Grant puts his charm to fiendish use

In “Heretic”, two Mormon missionaries visit an Englishman living by himself in the United States. Source: Australian Catholics.