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Papal Trip Pope Francis

Pope takes off for longest trip of his pontificate

Pope Francis is on an ITA Airways plane en route to Asia and Oceania to undertake the longest foreign trip of his papacy. Source: CNS.


Hosting 2028 Eucharistic Congress would ‘revitalise’ Church in Australia

If Sydney’s bid for the 2028 International Eucharistic Congress is successful, it would “revitalise the church in Australia in the same way World Youth Day did in 2008,” according to Sydney Archdiocese’s Kathy Campbell. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 


Government ‘wary’ of entering health care funding dispute

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care, Blair Comley, has told Catholic Health Australia’s national conference that the Albanese Government was wary of entering the funding dispute between private health care providers and the insurance industry.

Migrants Pope Francis

Pope compares biblical Exodus with the struggles faced by migrants 

The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office has published online resources to help Catholic communities, parishes and schools mark the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Source: ACMRO.

Charity People

New state council president for St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW has elected Peter Houweling as its new state council president for a four-year term, following the death of former president Paul Burton earlier this year.

Social Services Welfare

Australians on income support to get increase in payments

About 5.1 million Australians on income support will see a bump in their fortnightly social security payments, with the pension, JobSeeker and Commonwealth Rent Assistance all increasing from September 20. Source:

Ecumenism Environment

Religious groups have role to play in climate action

Respecting the God-given dignity of the human person and the integrity of God’s creation “are inseparable,” Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said in his message for the September 1 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: OSV News.

Europe Synod

Church in Amazon looks to implement changes

Five years after the Amazon Synod, members of the region’s Church gathered in Manaus, Brazil, to discuss ways to implement the changes suggested during the meeting in Rome in 2019. Source: Irish Catholic.

Modern Slavery United Kingdom

Stella Maris UK calls on Government to protect people in fishing industry

After a television documentary accused a Scottish fishing company of modern-day slavery, a Catholic charity is calling on Britain’s Home Office to do more to protect people in the fishing industry. Source: Crux.