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Coalition split over Senate motion on abortion

Coalition senators have split when voting on a divisive motion regarding abortion, with a Liberal moderate imploring fellow politicians to “mind the language that we use” because “this is not our playground”. Source: The Guardian.

Opinion Religious Freedom

Take politics out of religious discrimination reform

With Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirming he will not follow through on his election commitment to introduce a religious discrimination bill, is the reform effort to die with a whimper, asks Mark Fowler. Source: The Australian.

In The Dioceses Synod

Geraldton holds its first Synod assembly

History is being made this week as people throughout the Geraldton Diocese in Western Australia gather for the diocese’s first Synod assembly. 

Violence Women

Australia must take gendered violence ‘as seriously as it takes terrorism’

The enormous task of ending gendered violence in this generation has been laid bare in the first annual update on the progress of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children. Source: ABC News.


Immersion program aims to help deliver better Catholic education

An intensive three-day immersion program in Broken Bay Diocese has provided national and state Catholic education leaders the opportunity to see first-hand, innovative developments in student teaching and learning.


Welcome Walk to show support for asylum-seekers

Brisbane Catholics are tying up their shoelaces for the Romero Centre’s annual Welcome Walk on Sunday. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Europe Sport

Notre Dame Cathedral strikes gold with donation of Olympic bell

The bronze bell used for track and field competitions during the Paris Olympic Games will ring during every Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral when it reopens in December. Source: NCR Online.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Spread the fragrance of holiness in the Church and the world: Pope

A person who lives with the joy of their anointing in the sacrament of Confirmation cannot help but spread the fragrance of holiness in the Church and the world, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.


Ukrainian parliament approves ban on Russian-limed churches

Ukraine’s parliament had adopted a law restricting religious organisations affiliated or connected with Russia. Source: The Tablet.