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Bishops First Nations Social Justice

Bishops’ statement calls for ‘new engagement’ with First Peoples

Australia’s Catholic bishops have called on the nation to seek “a new engagement” with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in their annual Social Justice Statement being launched today. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Housing Politics

New $3.5b incentive for states to lift housing target

National cabinet has backed a deal on housing that sets a new target to build 1.2 million homes over five years, with the promise of $3 billion in incentives for states and territories to meet the goal. Source: The Age.


Government’s move to increase humanitarian intake ‘a step to celebrate’

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum says the Albanese Government’s move to increase the humanitarian intake by 2125 places per year is a positive step towards a more compassionate and principled response to people seeking asylum.

Religious Orders

Good Sams elect new leadership team

The 27th chapter of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan has been hailed as a blessed, enriching, inclusive experience, providing an opportunity for reconnection among sisters, partner organisations and staff. Source: The Good Oil.


Medical groups sound alarm on ‘critical backlog’ in surgery waiting lists

Top medical groups have called for immediate action to reduce the “increasingly critical backlog” of patients waiting for elective surgery, with public hospitals failing to clear waiting lists that ballooned to unprecedented levels during the pandemic. Source: The Australian.

In The Dioceses

Exorcism is ‘the power of Jesus’

Melbourne Archdiocese’s official exorcist has reflected on his 12 years in the role at a “God and Beer” event hosted by the Knights of the Southern Cross this week. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Eastern Rite Liturgy

Vatican delegate asks Indian Church: ‘Are you with the Pope?’

A Vatican delegate appointed to help find a solution to the raging liturgy controversy in India’s Eastern rite Syro-Malabar Church has told Catholics that those who reject the Vatican-approved Mass effectively reject the Catholic Church. Source: UCA News.

South America

Priests and lay workers to help monitor ceasefire in Colombia

The Colombian bishops conference is training dozens of priests and lay workers on how to help monitor the truce after the nation’s military and the largest remaining rebel group announced a six-month ceasefire. Source: NCR Online.


Italian Government, bishops offer Ukrainian children beach holiday

As part of Italy’s ongoing effort to support Ukrainian refugees, the Italian bishops conference and the Government have partnered to offer a group of Ukrainian children a beach holiday in several seaside towns. Source: Crux.