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Articles By This Author

Legal Matters

Former Broome bishop faces court

Former Bishop of Broome Christopher Saunders has indicated he will plead not guilty to 19 criminal offences after being arrested at his West Australian home. Source: ABC News.


Legalising euthanasia in NT could ‘further marginalise’ Indigenous communities

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci has raised concerns that introducing voluntary euthanasia in the Northern Territory without addressing existing inequalities could “further marginalise” Indigenous communities. Source: The Australian.


Big change coming to the way Catholic school kids are taught

Catholic schools in Melbourne will overhaul how students learn reading, writing and maths, switching to explicit instruction over student-led or inquiry-based learning. Source: The Age.

Jubilee 2025 Religious Orders

Australian religious at global gathering to prepare for Jubilee 2025

Australian religious were represented at a global gathering of consecrated people in Rome to prepare for the Church’s Jubilee Year in 2025. Source: Catholic Religious Australia.

Refugees Vatican

Vatican announces theme for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has announced the theme for the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees – “God walks with his people”. Source: Vatican News. 

In The Dioceses Social Services

CatholicCare steps up to meet growing demand for help in regional NSW

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes delivered more hours of support and assisted more clients in 2022-23 as natural disasters and rising financial stress caused strong demand for social services in the regional New South Wales diocese.

United States

Alabama court rules frozen embryos are ‘children’

An Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos qualify as children under state law has raised complex legal questions about artificial reproductive practices in the United States opposed by the Church. Source: NCR Online.

Europe Marriage

Greece’s Catholics and Orthodox deplore approval of same-sex marriage

Greece’s minority Catholic Church has deplored a parliamentary vote to allow same-sex marriage and child adoption, the first in a predominantly Orthodox country. Source: OSV News.

Film Review

Weaving dominates screen as feral hermit

In The Rooster, a small-town cop seeks answers from a volatile hermit after his oldest friend is found buried in a shallow grave. Source: Australian Catholics.