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Family Violence Research Social Services

Agencies want more Church involvement in fight against family violence

Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Source: ACU.

Cost Of Living

Low-income earners unable to ‘budget’ out of cost-of-living crisis

People experiencing poverty and job insecurity are increasingly unable to budget their way out of financial crisis, a new report from the Brotherhood of St Laurence has found. Source: The Guardian. 

New South Wales Palliative Care

Petition to restore funding hits 3600 signatures – and counting

A petition to raise awareness about palliative care and restore funding in New South Wales has already collected more than 3600 signatures. Source: Broken Bay News.

Papal Trip Refugees

Vinnies says Pope’s PNG visit could shine light on plight of refugees

The St Vincent de Paul Society says Pope Francis’s planned visit to Papua New Guinea in August could help resolve “the dire situation” of refugees still held in Port Moresby under a deal the Australian and PNG governments have both kept under wraps. Source: National Indigenous Times.

Foreign Aid Middle East

Türkiye-Syria earthquake victims remembered a year after tragedy

Today marks one year since a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Syria and Türkiye, followed by another of similar strength just hours later, killing more than 50,000 people. Source: Caritas Australia.


PM, Premier join Abdallah and Sakr families for memorial garden opening

A site of tragedy was transformed into a memorial of faith and love as the memorial garden for the Abdallah and Sakr children was blessed and opened in Oatlands in western Sydney on Saturday. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Inner-Sydney Catholic boys’ school confirms plans to enrol girls

St Mary’s Cathedral College in inner Sydney, a 200-year-old boys’ school and alma mater of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, has confirmed it will begin enrolling girls next year. Source: Daily Telegraph.

Interfaith Pope Francis

Pope marks five years since signing document on human fraternity

Dialogue, solidarity and recognising each other as brothers and sisters are key to defeating “the dark shadows of injustice, hatred and war”, Pope Francis said on Sunday. Source: CNS.

Central America

Cardinal who disappeared apologises for ‘stupid prank’

Cardinal José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán, the bishop of the Diocese of David in Panama, apologised at the end of Sunday Mass in the city’s cathedral after having been missing for two days but found safe and sound earlier in the week. Source: CNA.