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Poverty Research

Report shows poverty growing globally

Declining access to food, greater discrimination against women and widening restrictions on religious freedom have contributed to a higher rate of poverty worldwide, said a new report by a Jesuit research university program. Source: CNS.

Mental Health

Effect of lockdown on Victoria’s kids revealed in new survey

The toll that COVID-19 lockdowns took on Victorian children’s mental health has been revealed in a new survey that contains reports of depression, self-harm and other effects of isolation. Source: Herald Sun.

Human Rights

Christmas boost will ensure modern slavery programs continue

Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans is seeking to ensure its future by launching an appeal to keep the organisation operating beyond 2023.


Whatever the faith, consultation a sign of good leadership

What does leadership look like in a Catholic, Jewish, Anglican or Buddhist community? What are the differences and similarities? Those questions were answered at the Maitland-Newcastle Diocesan Ecumenical and Interfaith Council’s first interfaith dialogue event. Source: MNnews.Today.

Education Leadership

Overseas immersion program will help students ‘join the dots’

Two of the world’s oldest cities will become classrooms for 25 Australian students participating in a once-in-a-lifetime immersion program this week with Australian Catholic University.


German bishops begin Rome talks on controversial Synodal Way

Amid ongoing concerns over the German Synodal Way, the president of the German Bishops Conference said yesterday unity and renewal in the Catholic Church was “truly not an easy task”. Source: CNA.


Congolese bishops announce march for peace amid ongoing violence

Bishops in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have lamented the “serious” state of violence in the country and have called for prayer, fasting and a special march for peace. Source: Crux.

Pope Francis Vatican

Light candles of hope in the midst of darkness: Pope

On the World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis encouraged Christians not to be brought down by the “doom and gloom” of the world, but to witness to the joy of the Gospel through service to those in need. Source: CNA.

In The Dioceses

Diocesan Assembly commits to local mission

Participants of the Adelaide Diocesan Assembly have pledged to take practical steps to fulfil the mission of the local Church. Source: The Southern Cross.