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University to fund Catholic community research projects

Australian Catholic University will fund three new community-initiated research projects that seek to improve the lives of young mothers with complex needs, refugees and young people at risk.


Latest national NAPLAN test results a ‘mixed bag’

Almost 15 per cent of year 9 boys don’t meet the national minimum achievement standard for reading — the highest proportion ever, according to the latest NAPLAN test results. Source: ABC News.

Middle East

Papal trip to highlight importance of dialogue

Pope Francis is set to make a four-day visit to Bahrain this week – a journey that will make him the first pope to visit the Arab kingdom in the Persian Gulf. Source: Crux.

Mental Health

Parents offered suicide prevention training

Parents are being called up to the front line of Australia’s mental health crisis as experts brace for the cumulative impact of the pandemic, climate disasters and rising cost-of-living pressures. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Dozens of Catholic villagers reportedly killed in Nigeria

Details are emerging of a violent raid by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria that reportedly left dozens of Catholic villagers dead. Source: CNA.


CathNews is back on Wednesday

CathNews takes a break tomorrow for the Melbourne Cup public holiday. Our next issue will be published on Wednesday, November 2.

Education Victoria

Catholic schools welcome Victorian election pledges

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria says the state’s major political parties have recognised the value of Catholic education, with Labor and the Coalition making election pledges to build and upgrade schools. Source: MACS.

Pope Francis

Pope decries Congo attack, renews call for Ukraine peace

Pope Francis yesterday condemned an attack on a Congolese village that led to the deaths of seven people, including a religious sister, and renewed calls for peace in “martyred Ukraine”. Source: NCR Online.


Australian teachers to share Pacific experience in Rome

Eilish Flagg and Katie Rawet should have crossed paths as students in the same teaching degree at Australian Catholic University. Instead, they met in a remote South Pacific village with no electricity, running water or roads.