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Boost JobSeeker or entrench disadvantage, economists say
Leading economists have added their voice to calls for the Albanese Government to boost the rate of JobSeeker, saying the current $386 a week “entrenches disadvantage”. Source: The Australian.
Vinnies welcomes government funding for those doing it tough
The St Vincent de Paul Society has contacted leading ministers in the Albanese Government to commend them for driving policy change and financial commitments aimed at improving the wellbeing of many Australians who continue to struggle with daily demands.
Budget bottom line improves but households remain under pressure
Australia’s Budget is on track for a small deficit but households remain under pressure with slow wage growth and no new cost of living support. Source:
ACT Government to spend $50 million on transfer of Calvary hospital
There will be nearly $50 million spent on the transfer of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce, the ACT Government’s Budget papers have revealed. Source: Canberra Times.
Budget ‘creates uncertainty’ about humanitarian intake
The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum is concerned that the Albanese Government has not funded the expansion of Australia’s humanitarian program despite committing to raise the humanitarian intake to 27,000 places over four years at last year’s election.
Catholic organisations respond to Budget with praise and criticism
More Catholic organisations have responded to the Albanese Government’s Budget, praising it for shining a spotlight on the cost-of-living crisis but cautioning that it will not be enough to alleviate the strain on many Australians. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Budget delivers cost-of-living relief for millions of Australians
A modest increase in unemployment benefits and cheaper health care are the key pledges in a federal Budget tasked with helping the nation’s most vulnerable as living costs continue to hurt households. Source: ABC News.
Commitments to aged care ‘centrepiece of a positive Budget’
Catholic Health Australia and Caritas Australia have welcomed key commitments for the aged care sector and regional aid in the Albanese Government’s Budget.
Rent assistance has no effect on housing affordability: Anglicare
An increase in Commonwealth rent assistance has been mooted as a Budget measure to ease the housing crisis for those on lower incomes, but Anglicare Australia has warned the payment is not “fit for purpose” and has no effect on affordability. Source: The Guardian.