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Acculturation seminar provides support for overseas priests

In a gathering to bridge cultures and strengthen faith, the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn recently hosted a seminar to introduce new priests to the vibrant tapestry of Australian life and Archdiocesan ministry. Source: Catholic Voice.


Conference tackles clergy’s emerging challenges

Clergy workload, mental health and cultural challenges for overseas-born priests were some of the issues discussed at a recent national gathering of clergy life and ministry diocesan directors. Source: The Bridge.


Killing of Catholic priest in Mexico the ninth under current president

A parish priest was shot dead as he drove on a rural Mexican highway on Monday, marking yet another attack in what has become the most murderous country for Catholic clergy. Source: NCR Online.

Church Life Clergy Diaconate

Deacons play ‘critically important’ role

Australia’s diaconate is “a critically important part of the emerging Church” NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald told members of the community. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Clergy World

US priests don’t trust their bishops, study finds

Priests in the United States have a “crisis of trust” toward their bishops as well as fear that if they were falsely accused of abuse, prelates would immediately throw them “under the bus”, a new study reveals. Source: CNS.