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Cost Of Living Politics

Cost of living to dominate political agenda as power bills, petrol prices bite

Cost-of-living pressures are returning as a key issue for the Albanese Government following the Voice referendum, with advocacy groups warning that another round of power bill relief is needed as high energy prices squeeze household budgets. Source: The Age.

Cost Of Living Religious

CRA calls for reform to end price-gouging practices 

Catholic Religious Australia has called out price-gouging practices amid Australia’s cost-of-living crisis in a submission to the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ Inquiry into Price Gouging and Unfair Pricing Practices.

Cost Of Living

Supporters say tax incentive has potential to provide 100 million meals a year

Farmers and small business would get tax incentives for redirecting unwanted food to local charities, under a new bill to be put before the federal Parliament by WA Liberal Senator Dean Smith. Source: The West Australian.

Cost Of Living

Poorer Australians paying ‘poverty premium’ amid cost-of-living crisis

Australians on fixed or lower incomes are skipping meals and going without medicine, with new research revealing a “poverty premium” is being paid for essentials like petrol and groceries. Source: The New Daily.

Cost Of Living Mental Health

Cost of living causing distress for most Australian families

More than half of Australian families are reporting higher-than-normal distress due to the rising cost of living, according to new data from Suicide Prevention Australia. Source: The Guardian. 

Cost Of Living Welfare

Indexation to give financial boost to 5.5 million Australians

Millions of Australians receiving government support will have their payments lifted by as much as $50 a fortnight as a small relief in the cost-of-living crisis. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living

Cost-of-living struggles driving high anxiety

Almost one in three Australians are struggling to get by on their current income, leaving them increasingly distressed and disenchanted with the country’s direction, a new study has found. Source: Canberra Times.

Charity Cost Of Living

Service widens as two new Vinnies Vans hit the road

Every month for years, Verbum Dei Missionary priest Fr Greg Morgan has swapped his chasuble for a hi-vis vest and got behind the wheel of one of Sydney’s Vinnies Vans. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Cost Of Living

Regional Australia hardest hit by cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis is impacting millions of people across the country, but it is often residents in regional and remote Australia who are bearing the brunt of the economic pain. Source: ABC News.