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Catholic school fees to rise by 7 per cent

Parents with students at Catholic schools in the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese are facing a 7 per cent hike in fees next year. Source: RiotACT.

Education Leadership

Overseas immersion program will help students ‘join the dots’

Two of the world’s oldest cities will become classrooms for 25 Australian students participating in a once-in-a-lifetime immersion program this week with Australian Catholic University.


Greens ‘grossly misrepresenting’ facts on Catholic schools funding

The Australian Greens’ claim that there is no line of sight on how non-government schools spend government funding is a gross misrepresentation of the facts, says National Catholic Education Commission acting executive director Sally Egan.


Schools to roll out training to fight racism and gendered violence

Programs to tackle “racism and gendered violence” will be delivered at Edmund Rice Education Australia’s Victorian schools to help address women’s safety and behavioural issues that have emerged at some campuses. Source: The Age.

Education HIgher Education Spirituality

Program boosts trainee teachers’ spirituality and skills

Australian Catholic University pre-service teachers taking part in a comprehensive mentoring program have experienced a significant drop in anxiety and dramatically improved their Catholic and spiritual literacy, new research shows.

Education Religious Freedom

Catholic Education calls for legislation to protect faith-based schools

The National Catholic Education Commission says it looks forward to progress on religious protections that enable Catholic schools to continue to operate according to their values and beliefs.


Catholic sector welcomes plan to boost teacher numbers

The National Catholic Education Commission and Australian Catholic University have welcomed the draft National Teacher Workforce Action Plan released yesterday by the federal Education Minister Jason Clare.


Latest national NAPLAN test results a ‘mixed bag’

Almost 15 per cent of year 9 boys don’t meet the national minimum achievement standard for reading — the highest proportion ever, according to the latest NAPLAN test results. Source: ABC News.

Education Religious Freedom

Queensland parents petition against proposed law

Thousands of Queensland parents are petitioning against proposed laws that could prevent Christian schools from discriminating against employees who do not share their religious beliefs. Source: Courier-Mail.