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Climate Environment

Pope offers encouragement to delegates at COP27 conference

As delegates continue deliberations at the 2022 UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt, Pope Francis offered his encouragement for efforts to protect the environment. Source: Vatican News.

Climate Environment

Climate change the biggest global issue for Australians

Polling commissioned by Caritas Australia has found climate change is the biggest global concern for two-thirds of Australians, easily outranking armed conflict, even as war rages in Ukraine.

Climate Environment

No climate justice without land justice: African bishops

As the United Nations climate change conference unfolds in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Catholic bishops in Africa are warning that there cannot be climate justice without land justice. Source: CNS.


Catholics saved carbon by cutting out meat on Fridays

Researchers argue that if the Pope reinstated meatless Fridays across the global Church, it could mitigate millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. Source: The Tablet.

Environment Youth

Youth summit promotes healthy future for Australia

Catholic Earthcare Australia’s youth summit brought students from the Cairns Diocese together to promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly future for the nation. Source: Caritas Australia.


Faith leaders urge Albanese to act on fossil fuels

The Albanese Government has been urged by 100 Australian, Indigenous and South Pacific faith leaders to halt approvals for coal and gas projects and end fossil fuel subsidies to combat climate change. Source: The Australian.


Josephites release Laudato Si’ action plan

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, in collaboration with the Sisters of Saint Joseph Lochinvar, have released their joint Laudato Si’ action plan for the Josephite community.