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Housing In The Dioceses

Diocese scores a home run for the Hunter

Maitland-Newcastle Diocese has established a new entity, Hunter Community Housing, which reinforces its strong commitment to reducing homelessness by expanding its social, affordable and disability housing portfolio. Source: MNnews.Today. 


Government facing push to build more homes

Housing Minister Julie Collins will have to approve the construction of more homes than the Government planned if she wants legislation for her key $10 billion housing investment fund to pass Parliament. Source: The Age.

Housing Politics

Opposition to oppose Labor’s $10b affordable housing plan

The Albanese Government has used a rowdy question time to attack the Coalition for “letting Australians down” in failing to support their centrepiece housing policy. Source:

Cost Of Living Housing

Albanese Government’s $10b housing fund to target homelessness

The Federal Government will invest $10 billion in a housing future fund, set to be the single biggest investment in social and affordable housing in a decade. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Housing

Families falling short, even with Commonwealth rental assistance

A national coalition of welfare organisations has called on the Albanese Government to increase rent assistance payments by at least 50 per cent as more Australians seek financial assistance to pay for housing. Source: ABC News.

Housing Social Services

Catholic Social Services says housing crisis a nationwide disaster

Catholic Social Services Australia says the housing crisis is an Australian-wide disaster affecting everyone from the unemployed through to double-income families.


Australia’s rental crisis laid bare in damning report

Housing stress is on the rise in Australia, as tenants grapple with “unsustainable” rent increases that are outpacing wages. Source: The Guardian.


Almost one million affordable homes needed by 2041

Almost one million households, many in Sydney and Melbourne, face housing stress or living in unsuitable accommodation over the next two decades unless there is a ramp-up in community housing. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Housing New South Wales Social Services

Labor commits to protecting tenants as NSW rents skyrocket

Catholic Social Services Australia has welcomed plans by the New South Wales Labor to allow almost one million renters in the state to transfer their bonds from one property to the next in a major cost-of-living initiative.