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HIgher Education Liturgy

Sacrosanctum Concilium still a work in progress after 60 years  

It’s arguably the Second Vatican Council’s most contested and misunderstood constitution, but six decades later Clare Johnson says the Catholic faithful have a way to go to fully grasp the central vision of Sacrosanctum Concilium. Source: ACU.


Celebrating the art of liturgical celebration

Liturgy and liturgical music were the focus as 500 delegates from Australia, New Zealand and Fiji gathered in Brisbane for the Mystery & Mission: The Art of Liturgical Celebration conference. Source: Australian Pastoral Musicians Network and National Liturgical Council.

Appointment Liturgy

Liturgical expert joins Bishops Conference as executive secretary

Jason McFarland, who has worked in the field of liturgy for more than two decades, has commenced as executive secretary to the Bishops Commission for Liturgy, also serving as director of the National Office for Liturgy. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Eastern Rite Liturgy

Vatican delegate asks Indian Church: ‘Are you with the Pope?’

A Vatican delegate appointed to help find a solution to the raging liturgy controversy in India’s Eastern rite Syro-Malabar Church has told Catholics that those who reject the Vatican-approved Mass effectively reject the Catholic Church. Source: UCA News.

Liturgy Music

Creating a musical path back to Church

Liturgical music in the Catholic tradition has been preserved for centuries but Australian Catholic University theologian Clare Johnson says the Church should do more to draw young musicians in.

Liturgy Music

Australian’s hymns chosen to support US Catholic Bishops’ Eucharistic revival

Sydney composer John Burland will have two of his liturgical songs performed and recorded in the United States to support the US Catholic bishops’ promotion of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Digital Life Liturgy

New liturgy podcast an Australian first

Liturgy experts from Australian Catholic University have launched a new podcast exploring Australian and global perspectives on liturgy, sacramental theology, liturgical music and sacred art.

Liturgy Pope Francis

Pope restricted Latin Mass to stop it being used ‘in an ideological way’

Pope Francis implemented one of the changes in his 2021 motu proprio restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass because the allowances granted by his predecessors were “being used in an ideological way”. Source: CNA.


‘Matter matters’ for visiting US theologian

Theologian and author Timothy O’Malley wants to see faith communities drawn fully into liturgical life, sharing in the “mystery of love, that God became human, that humanity might become divine” at the heart of the Catholic faith. Source: The Catholic Leader.