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Business Pope Francis

Profit-at-all-costs is not a good business model: Pope

Business leaders must fight the temptation to seek financial gain above all else and instead promote a “culture of encounter” that improves their balance sheet and the lives of their employees and communities at the same time, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.

Human Rights Pope Francis

Pope calls for end to ‘horror of torture’

Pope Francis has called on the international community to work against torture and to guarantee support to victims and their families. Source: NCR Online.

Migrants Pope Francis United States

Pope Francis says US-Mexico border situation a ‘serious problem’

Pope Francis says the migration crisis between Mexico and the United States is a “serious problem” and praised a US bishop for efforts in caring for the migrants. Source: OSV News.

Pope Francis Synodality

Holy Spirit can bring harmony to a polarised Church: Pope

On the Solemnity of Pentecost, Pope Francis urged Catholics to invoke the Holy Spirit daily to bring harmony to a divided world, a polarised Church and to broken hearts. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Synod

Don’t fear Synod on Synodality: Pope

Ahead of the June release of the working document for the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis says the “great enemy” of this synodal process is “fear”.  Source: CNS.

Ecology Environment Pope Francis

Pope Francis on care for creation: ‘God wants justice to reign’

Pope Francis has emphasised the importance of the virtue of justice in a message for this year’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: CNA.

China Pope Francis Prayer

Pray that the Gospel can be freely shared in China: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday asked Catholics to pray that the Gospel can be fully and freely shared in China. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis

Pope to meet Nobel winners and young people to promote human fraternity

Pope Francis will meet 30 Nobel Prize winners and thousands of young people from around the world at the Vatican to promote human fraternity, a Vatican foundation has announced. Source: Catholic Courier.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Pope confirmed for World Youth Day Portugal

Pope Francis will travel to Lisbon in August for World Youth Day and will also visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, the Vatican announced yesterday. Source: CNA.