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Health Poverty Vatican

Vatican opens ‘field hospital’ in St Peter’s Square 

As part of the Vatican celebration of World Day of the Poor on November 13, a dozen doctors and nurses and 90 medical students set up shop in St Peter’s Square. Source: NCR Online.

Anniversary Poverty Social Services

Minister salutes Centacare and raises ‘one of the biggest issues’

The urgent need to tackle generational poverty and disadvantage was highlighted by South Australian Human Services Minister Nat Cook at Centacare Catholic Family Service’s 80th anniversary. Source: The Southern Cross.

Budget Poverty

‘Scene-setter’ Budget gets mixed reviews

More Catholic organisations have responded to the Albanese Government’s first Budget, acknowledging economic challenges facing the nation but expressing a wish more had been done to help Australians living in poverty.


Advocates call for laws to help halve child poverty by 2030

Australia has a serious and little-acknowledged problem with poverty and should follow New Zealand’s lead to legislate to halve child poverty by 2030, advocates say. Source: The Australian.


Goal to eradicate poverty by 2030 unlikely: World Bank

COVID-19 has dealt the “biggest setback” to global poverty reduction efforts in decades, and the World Bank has warned that the goal to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 likely remains out of reach. Source: SBS News.