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Middle East Prayer

Patriarch offers himself as exchange for hostages held by Hamas

The Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, who has called for today to be a global day of fasting and prayer for peace in the Holy Land, has offered to be exchanged for children being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. Source: CNA.

Middle East Prayer Synod

Synod members from around the world unite to pray for peace

Synod participants who have known war and conflict firsthand led the assembly of the Synod of Bishops yesterday by praying for peace between Israel and Palestine, throughout the Middle East and across the globe. Source: CNS.

First Nations Prayer

Online prayer and reflection service to be held before Voice vote

An online prayer and reflection service will be held tomorrow, ahead of Saturday’s referendum on constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Source: NATSICC.

Pope Francis Prayer Synod

Pope releases his prayer intention for October

Pope Francis has released his prayer intention for the month of October and invited everyone to embrace listening and dialogue through the Synod on Synodality that begins today. Source: Vatican News.

Ecumenism Prayer Synod

Ecumenical prayer vigil ahead of Synod approaches

Pope Francis has invited leaders of churches from different denominations to join him in prayer on Saturday, entrusting the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod to the Holy Spirit. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Prayer Ukraine

Pope calls for October to be dedicated to praying for peace in Ukraine

Insisting that there is “a need for more prayer, for conversion and an end to the conflict” in Ukraine, Pope Francis has invited Christians to dedicate October to praying for peace and reconciliation in the war-torn country. Source: Vatican News.

Prayer Refugees

Australian Catholics invited to stand in solidarity with asylum-seekers

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum is this week holding a National Week of Prayer and Action to engage the Australian Catholic community in solidarity with people seeking asylum.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope urges faithful to ‘stop making invisible those on the margins of society’

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of September is for people living on the margins of society. Source: CNA.


Take a minute to take the challenge

The Bread 4 Today prayer community is encouraging people to “reconnect with inner peace and embrace the stillness found in contemplation” by taking the “1 Silent Minute Challenge”. Source: Redemptorists.