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Prayer Ukraine

Ecumenical prayer for peace in Ukraine marks anniversary of Russian invasion

An ecumenical day of prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine was held in the Ukrainian Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne on Friday – the first anniversary of the Russian invasion.

HIgher Education Prayer

ACU says Hallow to Catholic prayer app

Australian Catholic University has teamed up with the world’s leading Catholic prayer and meditation app to offer students and staff a free personal prayer resource during Lent and beyond.

Pope Francis Prayer

‘Viral’ celebration will mark 10th anniversary of Francis’ pontificate

An online prayer initiative has been launched ahead of the 10th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis on March 13. Source: Vatican News.

Prayer Victoria

Councillors push for end to ‘inappropriate’ Christian prayers at meetings

A group of Victorian councillors has written to the state government calling for guidelines to end Christian prayers in local council meetings. Source: The Age.

Pope Francis Prayer

Pope asks parishes to be open communities

In his prayer intention video for February, Pope Francis asks parishes to truly be communities – places of listening and welcome whose doors are always open to all, no one excluded. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Prayer

Daily examination of conscience helps to avoid repeating mistakes: Pope

Pope Francis has recommended a daily examination of conscience as an “indispensable” practice in spiritual life. Source: CNA.


Pope asks people to pray for ‘children who suffer’

During the month of November, Pope Francis is asking people to pray for children who are suffering because of poverty, war and exploitation. Source: CNS.


Catholics in 140 countries pray for peace

More than 840,000 people from 140 countries responded to Pope Francis’ appeal for children to join the “One million children praying the Rosary” initiative, promoted by Aid to the Church in Need.

Legislation Prayer

Greens in new push to abolish prayers in NSW Parliament

Greens NSW has begun a new push to abolish traditional prayers in the New South Wales upper house, claiming they “devalue” people and are “inappropriate in a country that values religious diversity”. Source: The Daily Telegraph.