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Immigration Refugees

Border Force confirms last detainees removed from Christmas Island

The Christmas Island detention centre has been emptied, with all remaining detainees brought to the Australian mainland, the Australian Border Force has revealed. Source: The Guardian.


Vinnies backs parliamentary inquiry into immigration detention

In advance of a global focus on the rights and wellbeing of migrants and refugees, the St Vincent de Paul Society has welcomed the Australian Labor Party’s recent decision to support a parliamentary inquiry into immigration detention.

Migrants Refugees

Resources published for World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Catholic communities across Australia are being encouraged to reflect on the Holy Family’s experience as migrants as the Church prepares to mark the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Prayer Refugees

Australian Catholics invited to stand in solidarity with asylum-seekers

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum is this week holding a National Week of Prayer and Action to engage the Australian Catholic community in solidarity with people seeking asylum.


New hub for outreach service means more support for asylum-seekers

Staff and supporters of Cabrini Outreach, a service of Cabrini Health, gathered for the official blessing of the Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub’s new premises in the Melbourne suburb of Northcote. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Greiner calls for end to limbo for refugees

Former New South Wales Liberal premier Nick Greiner has urged federal leaders to end the limbo for refugees who have arrived in Australia by boat. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Government’s move to increase humanitarian intake ‘a step to celebrate’

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum says the Albanese Government’s move to increase the humanitarian intake by 2125 places per year is a positive step towards a more compassionate and principled response to people seeking asylum.


PM under pressure to establish inquiry into mandatory detention

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will face pressure at Labor’s national conference in Brisbane to establish a royal commission into the cost of Australia’s mandatory detention system. Source: The Australian.


Albanese Government urged to permanently end offshore detention

The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum says the 10-year anniversary of the Rudd Government’s decision to resume offshore processing for asylum-seekers who arrive by boat is a sombre occasion.