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Ageing Vatican

Vatican to host its first summit on longevity

The first Vatican Summit on Longevity will take place on March 24, bringing together experts and world leaders to explore the most advanced scientific discoveries and reflect on the fundamental ethical values that guide research in this field. Source: CNA.

Crime Vatican

Man with ‘serious mental disability’ climbs onto St Peter’s Basilica altar

A man caused minor damage at St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Friday after jumping onto the main altar and knocking over 19th-century candelabra. Source: CNN.


Vatican exhibition travels through history

A new Vatican Apostolic Library exhibition connects historical journeys to modern pilgrimages through a collection of rare 19th-century travel documents and contemporary artistic interpretations. Source: CNA.

Liturgy Vatican

Vatican clarifies rules for transferred holy days of obligation

When a holy day of obligation falls on a Sunday and so is transferred to another day, the Catholic faithful are encouraged to attend Mass, but they are not obliged to do so, the Vatican says. Source: Catholic Review.

Artificial Intelligence Vatican

AI can’t replace human intelligence ‘richness’: Vatican

A new Vatican document sounds the alarm against allowing artificial intelligence to be controlled by only a few powerful corporations and pleads for a “moral evaluation” of how and when AI is used. Source: NCR Online.

Appointment Vatican

Another milestone as Pope appoints woman to head Vatican Governatorate

Sr Raffaella Petrini has been named as the new head of the Governatorate of the Vatican City State. Source: Vatican News.

Artificial Intelligence Vatican

Vatican releases guidelines on ethical and responsible use of AI

To ensure artificial intelligence is developed and used in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner in Vatican City, the city-state governor’s office has released a set of guidelines on AI, which will be followed by new laws and regulations. Source: CNS.

Families Vatican

Vatican employees with three children to get monthly ‘baby bonus’

At Pope Francis’ request, the Vatican will now pay a monthly bonus of 300 euros ($497) per family to employees of the city-state who have three or more children, giving credibility to his frequent warnings about countries’ low fertility rates. Source: CNA.


Vatican cracks down on illegal entry into its territory

The Vatican City State has toughened sanctions for those who try to illegally enter its territory in areas where free access is not allowed. Source: CNA.