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Europe Vatican

German bishops in Rome for talks on Synodal Way

A delegation of German bishops is expected in Rome today for talks with the Vatican about the German Synodal Way. Source: CNA.

Liturgy Media

Mass for You at Home off-air for Perth viewers this week

Mass for You at Home, the national televised Mass, will not be shown in Perth this Sunday morning due to the Ten Network’s Grand Prix commitments, but will still be available online. Source: ACBC.

Religious Freedom

Law Reform Commission to release report on anti-discrimination laws 

The Australian Law Reform Commission is today expected to release its report on religious educational institutions and anti-discrimination laws. Source: ABC News.


Archbishop Carroll ‘came not to be served, but to serve’

Hundreds of people are expected to pay tribute to the late Archbishop Francis Carroll at a Pontifical Requiem Mass in Canberra today, starting at 11am AEDT. Geoff Joy, a close colleague of “Fr Francis”, reflects on his life and mission. Source: Catholic Voice.

Pope Francis

Pope urges people at general audience to pray for peace

“War is always a defeat,” Pope Francis said yesterday, urging people at his general audience to pray that leaders in war-torn nations would have the courage to negotiate for peace. Source: CNS.


Caritas joins call to address global humanitarian issues

Caritas Australia has taken part in a series of events in Canberra designed to engage ministers on critical global humanitarian issues of concern.

First Nations Schools

Catholic schools support program for Indigenous students

Michael Nayler says it is great to see so many Catholic secondary schools are part of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation program, which supports student educational costs in year 11 and 12. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Health Politics

World-first laws banning disposable vapes to go before parliament

Legislation for a world-first ban on disposable vapes is set to pass federal Parliament’s lower house within weeks, as public health bodies urge politicians to heed their warnings on what they say are the catastrophic health dangers of e-cigarettes. Source: The Australian.

For The Diary HIgher Education

Campion College to host ‘intellectual retreat’

Campion College, an independent liberal arts college in Western Sydney, is hosting an “intellectual retreat” for adults next month.