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Art Women

Great Women of Faith exhibition pops up in Melbourne

An exhibition showcasing women of faith has opened at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, with 24 pop art portraits by Cologne-based artist Barbara Skorupa. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Seniors Youth

In a world of go, go, go, volunteers learn to go slow

In a society always in a hurry, a team from Sydney Catholic Youth has spent time bridging the generational divide to learn more about the beauty of taking things slow. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Africa Laity Liturgy

Australian Catholic University training Nigerian lay ministers

The Australian Catholic University’s Centre for Liturgy is helping to train lay liturgical ministers of the Word in Nigeria. Source: UCA News.

Middle East Pope Francis

Pope makes emotional plea for ceasefire in Gaza

Pope Francis yesterday called for Israel and Hamas to reach an agreement for “an immediate ceasefire in Gaza”, repeating “Enough!” and “Stop!” from the window of the apostolic palace. Source: The Tablet.


New telescope reshaping ideas about how universe began  

Orbiting the sun nearly 1.6 million kms from Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope is reshaping the way scientists understand the universe and its origins, astronomers have told a Vatican-sponsored meeting. Source: CNS.

Job Hunting

Nail that job application letter

A job application letter is more than just a note attached to a resume. It requires thought, research and a


Dissenting MPs blast ACT’s ‘extreme’ euthanasia proposal

An ACT Legislative Assembly committee has recommended changes to a bill that would legalise voluntary euthanasia, to “more clearly define” who would be eligible for the scheme. Source: ABC News.

Modern Slavery Politics

ACAN advocacy wins bipartisan support for slavery survivors 

Advocates for the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network have won key amendments to Commonwealth legislation to give victim-survivors a voice in the national response to modern slavery.

Synod Women

Listening a powerful antidote to clericalism: Synod participants

The first assembly of the Synod on Synodality demonstrated that an effective way to break the chains of clericalism and highlight the experience of women in the Church is to listen and pray together before discussing issues, say two Synod participants. Source: OSV News.