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‘People’s priest’ Fr Bob farewelled at state funeral

The state funeral of Melbourne priest and social justice campaigner Fr Bob Maguire was held in Melbourne on Friday. Source:

HIgher Education Honours

Honorary doctorates awarded to Watkins and Collins

The University of Notre Dame Australia has conferred honorary doctorates on a former New South Wales deputy premier with a passion for healthcare and a former senator turned tireless education advocate.


Mission and mum inspire new CatholicCare CEO

Newly-appointed CatholicCare Tasmania chief executive Julia Mangan credits her Catholic education in Adelaide and watching her mother work in the public housing sector as major influences in her life – both personally and professionally.

United Kingdom

Pomp and pageantry but heart of Charles’ coronation was religious ceremony 

Britain’s new monarch King Charles III and his wife Queen Camilla were crowned on Saturday at Westminster Abbey, London, in a religious ceremony rich with ancient traditions and pageantry. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Safeguarding

Safeguarding minors and the vulnerable a priority for the Church: Pope

Pope Francis has told an assembly that safeguarding minors and vulnerable persons must be a priority for everyone in the Church. Source: CNS.

Bible Media United States Youth

Nine-year-old podcaster creates ‘Kid’s Bible in a Year’

A nine-year-old boy from Michigan who wants to be a priest when he grows up has created a kids’ version of the popular “The Bible in A Year” podcast. Source: CNA.

Aged Care

Aged care funding to save homes from going under: Catholic Health Australia

Catholic Health Australia says new aged care funding supporting 15 per cent higher wages for 250,000 care staff was a “game changer” for the sector and would likely keep sinking nursing homes afloat. Source: The Australian.


Catholic Education welcomes funding for school upgrades and equipment

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the Albanese Government’s announcement of funding for school upgrades and new equipment.

Abuse crisis

Government removes redress scheme restrictions

Access to the National Redress Scheme for institutional child sexual abuse will be expanded to prisoners and a wider range of former child migrants. Source: Canberra Times.