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First Nations

Voice to Parliament pamphlets for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cases set to be unveiled

Pamphlets containing information about the “yes” and “no” cases for the Voice to Parliament are set to be unveiled as Australia nears the landmark referendum. Source: Canberra Times.

Gambling Victoria

Victoria announces sweeping gambling reforms

Sweeping gambling reforms aimed at minimising pokies-related harm are set to be rolled out in Victoria, the Andrews Government announced yesterday. Source: Herald Sun.

In The Dioceses

Historic Catholic cemetery to close

Planning is underway to close one of the oldest Catholic cemeteries on the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. Source: The Southern Cross.

Pope Francis

Pope asks parents to sow faith in their children

Reflecting on the Parable of the Sower, Pope Francis yesterday encouraged parents not to give in to “fashions” of the world and to continue to sow goodness and faith in their children. Source: CNA.

China Vatican

Pope accepts transfer of Chinese bishop despite violation of 2018 deal

Pope Francis will recognise the transfer of a bishop in China earlier this year without his knowledge or approval despite the fact that it violates the terms of a 2018 provisional agreement on episcopal appointments. Source: Crux.

Religious Freedom United Nations

‘Religious hatred’ resolution approved at UN after Koran burning

The United Nations Human Rights Council has approved a controversial resolution that urges member states to prosecute acts of religious-based antagonism more aggressively. Source: The Tablet.

Religious Freedom

Religious freedom debate yet to strike the right balance: Fr Brennan

Australia has struggled to strike the right balance between freedom of religion and the right to non-discrimination in the wake of the 2017 same-sex marriage plebiscite, says Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

HIgher Education

Catholic university students encouraged to ‘be not afraid’

Catholic university students from around the country gathered in Melbourne last week for the annual Australian Catholic Student Association conference. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Female Labor members want Government to broaden access to abortion pill

An influential group of female Labor members is calling on the Albanese Government to consider further broadening access to the abortion pill and allowing pharmacists to prescribe it without a script from a doctor or nurse. Source: The Australian.