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In The Dioceses Religious Orders

Capuchins to end 73-year association with Adelaide parish

The Capuchin Friars will withdraw from the Adelaide parish of Newton by January 2024, ending a 73-year association with the local Catholic community. Source: The Southern Cross.


Victorians in ‘life-changing’ housing scheme face homelessness again

Hundreds of participants in a “life-changing” Victorian housing program designed to permanently end rough sleeping face the prospect of returning to homelessness after being served with eviction notices. Source: The Guardian.

HIgher Education

University gets the ball rolling for 2023

Students have poured back to Australian Catholic University’s Blacktown campus for a welcome fair and the start of Semester 1, as the university enters the third year of its partnership with Blacktown City Council.

Pope Francis

Look for the beauty of Jesus’ transfiguration in everyday life: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday urged the faithful to reflect on the miracle of the Transfiguration and to see the same beauty in the faces of the people we interact with every day. Source: CNA. 

Europe United Kingdom

Scotland’s bishops defend religion in public life

Scotland’s bishops have called out the country’s political parties for “removing the of conscience from their parliamentarians on votes involving contentious moral issues”. Source: Crux.

South America

Church in Brazil bans sacramental wine produced with slave labour

After three of Brazil’s most important wine producers were accused of using slave labour last week, the Brazilian Church released a statement affirming that wines made by manufacturers which violate “the respect to human dignity” must not be chosen as sacramental wines. Source: Crux.

Abuse crisis Prayer

Pope calls for prayers for victims of abuse

Pope Francis has dedicated this month to praying for victims of abuse, saying simply asking forgiveness is not enough, but the Church must put victims first and avoid cover-up. Source: Crux.

Aged Care

VincentCare to exit in-home aged care in Victoria

VincentCare and its parent organisation St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria has made the “difficult decision” to cease its involvement in Home Care Packages due to “significant changes” to Commonwealth Government aged-care funding. Source: ABC News.

Lent Synod

Lenten prayer resources published for Synod of Bishops

People following global progress towards the two assemblies of the Synod of Bishops for a Synodal Church are being invited to participate in Lenten prayers to support the ongoing journey. Source: ACBC Media Blog.