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Anniversary Schools Youth

Student movement marks 80 years since first rally

The Australian Young Catholic Students movement is today marking 80 years since its first leaders’ rally was held in Melbourne, when nearly 200 Catholic college leaders met to discuss the work of the newly formed organisation.

Family Violence

New calls to criminalise smacking of children

Australia is facing fresh calls to criminalise the smacking of children, with new research suggesting those subjected to childhood violence are nearly four times more likely to experience anxiety and depression. Source:


Archive to hold story, history and legacy of religious groups

The archives of five Australian religious congregations have found a permanent home in Melbourne as part of an initiative to collect and store valuable materials for future generations. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Film Review

Period mystery mixes drama and history with humour

In Amsterdam, three close friends witness a murder and are framed for it, in a plot that is loosely based on a true story. Source: Jesuit Media.


Vatican urges accountability for ‘crimes against humanity’

The Vatican’s permanent observer to the United Nations has told a committee of the world body that “civilian populations continue to be victims of widespread and systematic attacks”. Source: NCR Online.


Connecticut priest says $1.5bn verdict ‘a matter of justice’

A United States priest whose parish has ties to several Sandy Hook shooting victims said he hopes the verdict in the defamation case brought against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones brings the families involved “some kind of peace”. Source: Crux.


Faith leaders urge Albanese to act on fossil fuels

The Albanese Government has been urged by 100 Australian, Indigenous and South Pacific faith leaders to halt approvals for coal and gas projects and end fossil fuel subsidies to combat climate change. Source: The Australian.

Ukraine World

Caritas appeals for peace after deadly missile strikes

Caritas Australia’s network partners in Europe are calling for international humanitarian law to be respected and for civilians to be protected following new missile attacks and airstrikes in Ukraine. Source: Caritas Australia

Multicultural Survey

More diversity in Catholic Church than in other churches

The Catholic Church is twice as multicultural as Australia’s other Christian denominations, a new survey has found. Source: The Catholic Weekly.