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Health Politics

Calvary calls on ACT Government to continue negotiations over hospital

Calvary wants to recommence negotiations with the ACT Government over the future of its Canberra public hospital as legislation to forcibly acquire the hospital is expected to pass next week. Source: Canberra Times.

Education Victoria

Education head says new tax will hit more than 25 Catholic schools

Private schools in Victoria will be stripped of their long-held exemption to payroll tax next year, netting the state more than $420 million in revenue over three years. Source: The Age.

Human Rights Migrants

Grattan Institute calls for overhaul of visa rules to protect migrant workers 

One in six migrants is paid less than the national minimum wage according to a new report by the Grattan Institute, which says governments have failed to stop the exploitation of migrant workers. Source: ABC News.

Ageing Housing

Rejection of retirement development during housing crisis ‘nonsensical’

Catholic aged and disability organisation VMCH has called a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision to reject a retirement development in the midst of a national housing crisis “short-sighted” and “nonsensical”.


Outstanding educators in a class of their own

Nine leading South Australian educators, including one who helps students raise chickens called Hennifer Lopez and Eggie Betts, were recognised at the annual Catholic Education Awards ceremony. Source: The Southern Cross.

Fellowship In The Dioceses

New group a ‘friendly, safe space for men to come together’ 

After two years of planning, praying and discernment, a new group has been launched in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese to encourage men to connect with each other. Source: MNnews.Today.


Ukrainian archbishop demands end to Russian missile attacks

The head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church has demanded an end to Russia’s overnight missile strikes, as the Vatican outlined plans to send a “peace mission” to the warring sides. Source: The Tablet.

Pope Francis

Pope to meet Nobel winners and young people to promote human fraternity

Pope Francis will meet 30 Nobel Prize winners and thousands of young people from around the world at the Vatican to promote human fraternity, a Vatican foundation has announced. Source: Catholic Courier.

United States

Missouri miracle? Body of Benedictine Sister thought to be incorrupt

Hundreds of pilgrims have descended on a Benedictine monastery for religious sisters in rural Missouri after exhumed remains of the contemplative order’s African-American foundress appear to be incorrupt, four years after her death. Source: CNA.