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Pope Francis

Pope responding well to treatment for bronchitis, Vatican says

At the end of Pope Francis’ first full day in Rome’s Gemelli hospital, where he is being treated for bronchitis, the Vatican said the Pope was doing well, responding to treatment and spent his afternoon resting and in prayer. Source: Crux.

Bishops Poverty

Bishops tell Senate inquiry needs of the vulnerable must come first

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has told parliamentarians that they should place the needs of vulnerable people at the centre of the country’s culture and politics. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

First Nations Politics

Bill to trigger Voice referendum introduced to Parliament

A bill that would trigger the referendum on whether to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament in the Constitution was yesterday introduced into the lower house. Source: ABC News.

History Vatican

Vatican formally repudiates ‘doctrine of discovery’ used to justify colonisation 

The Vatican yesterday formally repudiated the “doctrine of discovery”, officially declaring that a historic policy used to justify colonial exploitation is “not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church”. Source: NCR Online.


Anti-slavery commissioner to address Catholic Health Australia conference 

The New South Wales anti-slavery commissioner and a modern slavery survivor will address Catholic Health Australia’s annual conference, to be held in Perth in August.


Shorten says struggling NDIS should not be ‘the only port of call’

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says schools and the mental health system need to better cater to people with disabilities so the ballooning National Disability Insurance Scheme can return to its original purpose of serving people with the most severe impairments. Source: The Age.

Europe Liturgy

Vatican prefect rejects German plan for lay homilies, Baptisms

The prefect of the Vatican’s liturgy office has intervened against the implementation of resolutions of the German Synodal Way that demand laypeople should be able to regularly baptise and preach the homily at Mass in churches across Germany. Source: CNA.


Catholic leaders outraged over fatal detention centre fire

Catholic leaders have expressed sorrow and outrage after a fire in a Mexican immigration detention centre claimed the lives of at least 40 migrants, who appeared to be abandoned by guards as flames engulfed their locked cells. Source: OSV News.

Film Review

Abraham’s sacrifice one for bible literalists 

Audiences who tend to take biblical narratives literally will most enjoy His Only Son, a feature-length retelling of the story of Abraham. Source: Jesuit Media.