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Religious Freedom

Bishops outline dangers in proposed discrimination reforms

Senior bishops have warned law changes proposed by the Australian Law Reform Commission would prevent Church schools from being authentically Catholic, arguing they would discount the rights of people with a religious faith. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Pope Francis applauds women on International Women’s Day

Marking International Women’s Day yesterday, Pope Francis called for a round of applause for women, saying “they deserve it”, while praising their “ability to construct a more humane society”. Source: Vatican News.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding

Diocese renews commitment to be a ‘leading light’ for safety

Parramatta Diocese has become the first Catholic entity to be accredited as a safe environment for children and adults at risk. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Appeal Charity

Project Compassion helps Priscilla beat drought

Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign introduces us this week to Priscilla from Zimbabwe, who is using her conservation farming skills to grow drought-resistant crops and farm poultry to support her family during the current food crisis.


New website showcases Catholic education across Australia 

The National Catholic Education Commission has launched a redesigned website to showcase Catholic education, including a new resource centre, media centre and directory for Catholic education peak bodies and school authorities.

HIgher Education

Ukrainian university thanks University of Notre Dame Australia for its support

With the war in Ukraine now in its second year, the Ukrainian Catholic University has expressed its deep appreciation and gratitude for the support and solidarity it has received from the University of Notre Dame Australia.

Politics Prayer

Council halts Christian prayer after legal warning

A Melbourne council has paused the use of a Christian prayer asking God to direct it after receiving a legal letter stating its inclusion in council processes was unlawful. Source: The Age.


Notre Dame cathedral to open in December 2024

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which saw its spire and roof destroyed by fire in 2019, is expected to be rebuilt within the five-year deadline set by the French Government. Source: CNA.

Africa Persecution

Priests, laity describe violent attacks in Nigeria

A new Aid to the Church in Need report has detailed first-hand testimonies of Catholic faithful who have survived torture, kidnappings and massacres at the hands of Nigerian terrorists. Source: National Catholic Register.