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Abuse crisis Prayer

Pope calls for prayers for victims of abuse

Pope Francis has dedicated this month to praying for victims of abuse, saying simply asking forgiveness is not enough, but the Church must put victims first and avoid cover-up. Source: Crux.

Aged Care

VincentCare to exit in-home aged care in Victoria

VincentCare and its parent organisation St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria has made the “difficult decision” to cease its involvement in Home Care Packages due to “significant changes” to Commonwealth Government aged-care funding. Source: ABC News.

Lent Synod

Lenten prayer resources published for Synod of Bishops

People following global progress towards the two assemblies of the Synod of Bishops for a Synodal Church are being invited to participate in Lenten prayers to support the ongoing journey. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

HIgher Education Religious Freedom

Conference debates religious freedom and the role of the state  

Religious liberty, freedom of conscience and the challenges of state and religious organisations in finding a balance that will prove beneficial to all were debated at the University of Notre Dame Australia’s annual Religious Liberty Lecture and Conference. 

Abortion Pro-Life

Stepping up for the voiceless

More than 4000 people showed their support for the unborn by attending Adelaide’s Walk for Life. Source: The Southern Cross.


Brisbane Catholics share the Gospel at Mind, Body, Spirit festival

Sharing the Gospel, handing out Miraculous Medals, praying and talking with people “searching for answers” made for a two-day witness by Evangelisation Brisbane at the Mind, Body, Spirit festival. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Media Pope Francis

Noble profession of journalism must convey the truth: Pope

The work of journalists is to listen and convey the truth of what was really said, Pope Francis has told a Catholic weekly magazine. Source: CNS.

Africa Ecology

Bank accounts for 10,000 seedlings in Kenya

A Catholic diocese has teamed up with the largest bank in East Africa to restore degraded forests in Kenya. Source: NCR Online.

Film Review

Director’s love letter to the movies

Empire of Light is a British-American romantic drama that focuses on the power of human connection during difficult times and is directed as a tribute to the magic of cinema. Source: Jesuit Media.