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‘Distressing’ push to train medical students in euthanasia

Former Australian Medical Association national vice-president Stephen Parnis has expressed “serious” concern about the “distressing” push to train student doctors in euthanasia as part of their university degrees. Source: The Australian.


Census data ‘shows value families place on faith-based education’

New Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveal a record number of students in Catholic schools and support for faith-based education, says National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins.

Church Life Laity

Conference explores shared mission for clergy and laity

Archbishop Christopher Prowse says a gathering at the Vatican this week will help clergy and lay people alike better understand how they can work together to carry out God’s mission. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

First Nations

Archbishop Coleridge committed to an Indigenous Voice

Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge has spoken out in support of creating an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, ahead of a referendum on the subject due later this year. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Social Justice

Andrews’ pledge to raise age of criminal responsibility in Victoria welcomed

Premier Daniel Andrews’ pledge to raise the age of criminal responsibility in Victoria – either as part of a national approach or on its own – will make a tangible difference to the lives of children, families and the broader community, says Jesuit Social Services.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

Students respond to Pope Francis’ call

Australian and New Zealand Catholic secondary school students are responding to a call from Pope Francis to be the changemakers in the struggle against human trafficking. Source: ACRATH. 

Papacy Pope Francis

I believe Pope’s ministry is for life: Francis

Pope Francis addressed once again the question of whether he will resign the papacy in two conversations with Jesuit priests in Africa this month. Source: CNA.


Replica of Fatima chapel planned for Samoa

An exact replica of the Little Chapel of Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal, is set to be built in Samoa after it was chosen by the World Apostolate of Fatima to become one of its regional centres in the world. Source: NZ Catholic.

Film Review

Jackman shines in painful drama of familial fear and loathing

In The Son, Hugh Jackman shines in this British-American drama about a father’s attempt to reunite with his teenager after a marital break-up. Source: Jesuit Media.