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Climate Environment Pope Francis

Pope to address COP28 climate change conference in Dubai

Pope Francis has confirmed he will attend the United Nations’ COP28 climate change conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Source: NCR Online.

Aged Care

Government opts for user-pays approach on aged care

The Albanese Government has all but confirmed that those with greater means will pay more for their aged care under changes to be incorporated in the next Commonwealth Budget in May. Source: Australian Financial Review.


Prayer, planning underpin national Stella Maris gathering

Port chaplains, managers, volunteers and members of the Stella Maris Australia committee gathered in Sydney last week for the first national conference of its type in several years for those ministering to seafarers. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Abuse crisis Legal Matters

NSW to consider action over Church’s use of permanent stays

New South Wales Attorney General Michael Daley has ordered an urgent briefing on the landmark High Court decision over the Catholic Church’s legal approach in abuse cases. Source: The Guardian.

Formation In The Dioceses

New document on formation ‘for all Catholics, not just select few’

A new document aims to foster the faith of all people of God in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. Source: The Southern Cross. 


St Kevin’s College breaks ties with Edmund Rice Education Australia

St Kevin’s College in Toorak, Melbourne, has won the right to become an independent school from December 1, breaking ties with Edmund Rice Education Australia. Source: Herald Sun.

HIgher Education

Student hub to ‘form the heart’ of Notre Dame campus

Work has begun to upgrade facilities at the University of Notre Dame Australia’s Fremantle campus to create a modern and vibrant student hub. Source: The eRecord.

Feast Day Pope Francis

Francis celebrates Mass at military cemetery and calls for end to war

Pope Francis marked All Souls’ Day yesterday by celebrating Mass at a military cemetery in Rome, calling for an end to war and the loss of innocent lives claimed in violent conflicts. Source: Crux.

Film Review

Will this man survive a 30-day digital detox?

In Disconnect Me, Australian filmmaker Alex Lykos switches off his smartphone and social media for 30 days in an experiment that will challenge audiences to question their own reliance on technology. Source: Australian Catholics.