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Middle East Prayer

Patriarch offers himself as exchange for hostages held by Hamas

The Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, who has called for today to be a global day of fasting and prayer for peace in the Holy Land, has offered to be exchanged for children being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. Source: CNA.

First Nations Opinion

NATSICC calls for new way forward after Voice outcome

An unsuccessful outcome to the Voice to Parliament referendum is just another challenge that will be faced with dignity, respect and without losing hope, a statement from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council says.

Synod Women

Synod hears women have been encouraged and rejected by the Church

The life of women in the Church “is full of scars” and alternating experiences of being encouraged or rejected, members of the assembly of the Synod on Synodality have heard. Source: CNS.

Disability Politics

Disability employment centre of excellence taking shape

A new “one-stop shop” to help overcome barriers to employing people with disability is closer to being realised after the Albanese Government published an options paper on a new Disability Employment Centre of Excellence. Source: The Australian.


Catholic Health Australia board elects new chair 

The board of Catholic Health Australia has elected Jenny Parker as its new chair for the next 12 months. With over three decades in the health sector, including in her current position as health and life sciences leader for EY Oceania, Ms Parker brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role.

Health HIgher Education

ACU and charity collaborate to save women and children in remote Tanzania

A remote Tanzanian hospital will receive its first modern anaesthetic and haematology analyser machine, thanks to a unique collaboration between health and education experts at Australian Catholic University and charity organisation A Passionist Heart Foundation.

HIgher Education Research

Notre Dame launches new research strategy 

Research that addresses real-world challenges and seeks to improve people’s lives is the focus of the University of Notre Dame Australia’s new University Research Strategy 2023-26.

Food Security Pope Francis

Water is life and should be available to all: Pope

Marking yesterday’s World Food Day, Pope Francis addressed a message to the director general of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, underscoring the importance of the 2023 theme: “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind”. Source: Vatican News.

South East Asia

Church calls for safe return of Papuans displaced by conflict 

Church leaders in Indonesia have called on the Indonesian Government to ensure the safe return of thousands of people displaced by conflict in the Christian-majority Papua region. Source: UCA News.