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Synod delegates told expected tensions ‘part of the process’

The theme of “communion” and how the Church might provide greater welcome to all of its members is the focus for the 460 participating bishops and lay members of the Synod on Synodality this week. Source: NCR Online.

Cost Of Living Religious

CRA calls for reform to end price-gouging practices 

Catholic Religious Australia has called out price-gouging practices amid Australia’s cost-of-living crisis in a submission to the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ Inquiry into Price Gouging and Unfair Pricing Practices.

Middle East Vatican

Gaza conflict casts shadow over Vatican Holocaust conference

The conflict in Gaza cast a shadow over a major conference on the Vatican and the Holocaust on Monday, with one participant calling the recent carnage the worst slaughter of civilian Jews in one day since the Holocaust. Source: Yahoo News.

Appointment Education

Armidale appoints new director of schools

Armidale Catholic Schools has appointed Regina Menz as its new director of schools. Ms Menz will take up the position on January 19. Source: Armidale Diocese.


Oceania Synod delegates come together for fellowship at Domus Australia

Oceania’s Synod on Synodality delegates, facilitators and theologians gathered in Rome on Saturday, the concluding day of the first week of the Synod, to pray, debrief and share a meal together. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Celebrating the art of liturgical celebration

Liturgy and liturgical music were the focus as 500 delegates from Australia, New Zealand and Fiji gathered in Brisbane for the Mystery & Mission: The Art of Liturgical Celebration conference. Source: Australian Pastoral Musicians Network and National Liturgical Council.


Beveridge wins $10,000 prize for ‘tender and loving’ poem

Sydney poet Judith Beveridge has won Australia Catholic University’s coveted poetry prize for a poem dedicated to her husband, fellow poet Stephen Edgar.

Religious Orders Vatican

Pope names first female secretary of dicastery for religious

Pope Francis has appointed the first woman to serve as the No. 2 official of the Roman Curia office that works with religious orders and their members. Source: OSV News.

History United Kingdom

Crucifix of priest executed after Gunpowder Plot goes on display in UK convent

A crucifix that once belonged to a priest executed after England’s notorious Gunpowder Plot is on display in the country’s oldest operating convent, in the northern city of York. Source: Crux.