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Conflict Middle East Pope Francis

Pope and Jerusalem patriarch call for end to violence in Israel and Palestine

Pope Francis and the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem have responded to the sudden outbreak of conflict in Israel and Palestine over the weekend. Source: CNA.


Cardinal says Synod will define new ways to approach Church’s problems

The Synod on Synodality is not geared to “resolve particular problems” in the Church, but to explore ways for the Church to discuss and address such issues, a cardinal said at the weekend. Source: OSV News.

Opinion Refugees

Australia’s ‘inhumane treatment’ of refugees needs urgent attention

Australia urgently needs a parliamentary inquiry into its onshore and offshore immigration detention program, writes St Vincent de Paul Society national president Mark Gaetani. Source: Canberra Times.


‘Heartbreaking loss’ for Armidale family

Armidale Diocese has expressed its condolences to its diocesan financial administrator after three of his children and their grandfather were killed in a light plane crash near Canberra on Friday.

Cost Of Living

Supporters say tax incentive has potential to provide 100 million meals a year

Farmers and small business would get tax incentives for redirecting unwanted food to local charities, under a new bill to be put before the federal Parliament by WA Liberal Senator Dean Smith. Source: The West Australian.


Top award for social enterprise built on firm foundations

An innovative Catholic building and construction social enterprise has won the industry collaboration of the year award at the 2023 Tasmanian Training Awards. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

HIgher Education Religious Orders

Missionary Sisters of Service mark 80th anniversary with study scholarship

The Missionary Sisters of Service Scholarship will be awarded for the first time in 2024 to mark the 80th anniversary of the order’s founding. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Books Pope Francis

Pope warns against idolatry camouflaged as sacred

Christian life is a battle each person must fight against the temptation to be self-sufficient and against a paganism disguised as sacredness, Pope Francis wrote in an introduction to a small book distributed to participants at the Synod on Synodality. Source: CNS.

South Asia

Sri Lankan bishops slam president on Easter bombings probe

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka has criticised the country’s president for suggesting there is a rift in Church leadership over an international probe into the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings that claimed 269 lives. Source: UCA News.