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Primary task of Synod is to focus our gaze on God: Pope

Pope Francis has opened a long-anticipated Vatican summit on the Church’s future, encouraging its participants to reject the temptations of doctrinal rigidity and to embrace a vision of the Church that is open and welcoming to all. Source: NCR Online.

Ecology Environment

Francis urges dramatic action to combat climate change

Warning that “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point”, Pope Francis yesterday released a new document urging dramatic action to combat climate change. Source: Crux.


New Catholic schools to open in booming growth corridors

Seven new Catholic schools are set to open over the next three years in Victoria’s booming growth corridors in the city’s north and west. Source: Herald Sun.

Immigration Refugees

Labor releases plan to stem false asylum-seeker claims

Asylum-seekers will face a stronger regime to decide their claims to stay in Australia under a dramatic shift in federal policy to act on concerns that some migrants are working for up to 11 years while waiting for their cases to be decided. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Aged Care Research

Improving oral health for aged care residents just an app away

Australian Catholic University health researchers will develop a new app-based protocol to improve the oral health and wellbeing of aged care residents, thanks to a $210,000 grant from Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia.


Alive in the Spirit conference ‘aims to be more than a talkfest’

The Pastoral Ministry Network will host its “Alive in the Spirit” conference in Sydney this month, bringing together ordained and lay ministers, along with pastoral council members, education and youth ministers, and other parish and community representatives.

In The Dioceses

Added ingredient a major boost for food program

As the saying goes, a kitchen is the heart of a home. But for CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning in New South Wales, kitchens have become the heart of their community. Source: MNnews.Today.

Religious Freedom South Asia

ACN to provide emergency relief for victims of anti-Christian riots in Pakistan

Aid to the Church in Need will provide emergency support to the victims of anti-Christian riots that took place in Jaranwala, in the Pakistani district of Punjab.

North America

Bishop calls for ‘intense’ day of prayer and fasting for end of violence in Mexico

A bishop whose diocese is located in one of Mexico’s regions most affected by drug trafficking violence has called for an “intense” day of fasting and prayer tomorrow. Source: CNA.