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Environment Pope Francis

Pope’s new letter to be titled Laudate Deum

Pope Francis’ new letter on the environment will be titled Laudate Deum (Praise God), a frequent refrain in several psalms, including Psalm 148, which tells the heavens, angels, sun and the moon to praise the Lord. Source: CNS.

Finance Inequality

Richest 5 per cent hold one-third of country’s wealth, report reveals

Australia’s wealth gap has continued to grow over the past two decades, with superannuation and property investment driving inequality across the country, a new report has revealed. Source: The Guardian.

Ecumenism Prayer Synod

Ecumenical prayer vigil ahead of Synod approaches

Pope Francis has invited leaders of churches from different denominations to join him in prayer on Saturday, entrusting the work of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod to the Holy Spirit. Source: Vatican News.


For Sr Carolina, Mission ‘is where many people need you’

Catholic Mission is celebrating World Mission Month in October, focusing on Pope Francis’ World Mission Sunday message, “Hearts on fire, feet on the move”. 

Leadership Religious Orders

Sisters of Mercy elect new leadership team 

The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea has elected a new leadership team to guide the institute for the next four years.


Composer’s world premiere based on 800-year-old prayer

Australian composer Mary Finsterer’s third work as the 2023 composer-in-residence for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will receive its world premiere at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral tonight. Source: The Age.

Environment In The Dioceses

Parish community garden grounded in faith

When the parishioners of one Parramatta Diocese parish responded to Pope Francis’ call to “care for our common home”, little did they realise their parish garden would boost both body and spirit. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Thousands of Armenian Christians flee homes

Thousands of Armenian Christians fled their ancestral homeland in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh over the weekend and more are expected, the Armenian Government confirmed. Source: CNA.

South East Asia

Sedition acquittal fuels priest’s resolve to seek justice for drug war victims

After being acquitted of sedition charges, a Catholic priest in the Philippines has strengthened his resolve to pursue justice for the victims of killings in the “war on drugs” under the Duterte administration. Source: CBCP News.