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Bishops Ukraine

Australian bishops make pastoral visit to war-torn Ukraine

An Australian Catholic Bishops Conference delegation has spent four days in Ukraine in an expression of pastoral solidarity with the country’s people, responding to an invitation from the head of the Ukrainian Church in Australia. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

First Nations Vocations

Allow married Indigenous men to become priests: Archbishop Coleridge

Married Indigenous men should be allowed to be ordained as Catholic priests and the centuries-old rule of compulsory celibacy will “very likely” ultimately be changed by the Vatican, says Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge. Source: The Australian.


Federal Government lifts humanitarian intake to 20,000

The Albanese Government will lift Australia’s humanitarian intake to 20,000 places from its previous cap of 17,875. Source: ABC News. 

In The Dioceses

Sydney Archdiocese moves from Polding Centre to new home

After more than 21 years as home to the Sydney Archdiocese, the Polding Centre in Sydney’s CBD will close its doors for the last time this month as the chancery moves to Leichhardt. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

First Nations HIgher Education

ACU holds special graduation ceremony for inspiring student

Australian Catholic University graduate Jade McAlear was in a coma following a horrific car accident when her distraught parents Karen and Zac received her degree on her behalf last year.

Education New South Wales

Principals want review of Scripture classes in NSW public schools

Principals are pushing for an urgent review of religious education in New South Wales public schools, warning Scripture classes are disrupting the curriculum and forcing thousands of students to miss out on crucial learning time. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


From leaders to first-time believers, Ignite has something for everyone

The Church in Australia is gearing up for the Ignite Conference, a national Catholic conference to be held at the end of September in Brisbane and Greater Sydney. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Pope Francis United States

Pope offers prayers for victims of fires in Hawaii

Pope Francis has offered “the assurance of prayers for the dead, injured and displaced, as well as for the first responders and emergency personnel” after fires ravaged the Hawaiian island of Maui. Source: CNS.

Middle East Religious Freedom

Israeli president condemns violence against Christians

Israeli president Isaac Herzog has condemned attacks by Jewish extremists against Christian places of worship in the country. Source: CNA.