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Senate inquiry calls for action on ‘school refusal’

A Senate inquiry into “school refusal” has called for extra Medicare rebates for child psychology and more flexible schooling for students struggling to attend class. Source: The Australian.

Family Violence

Lack of suitable housing contributing to family abuse crisis in Queensland

A Centacare family support expert says a dire lack of safe and available housing for women and children exposed to domestic violence is contributing to Queensland’s ongoing crisis. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Aged Care

Positive nursing figures reinforce Government’s vision for health care

Catholic Health Australia has applauded the results of the first month of reporting on the Commonwealth’s 24/7 aged care registered nursing requirements.

Mental Health Veterans

Sir Peter emphasises role of spiritual healing in health care

Sir Peter Cosgrove, patron of a major Catholic hospital project, has praised the spiritual element of health care as most needful, in a fast-changing society where many people are being left behind. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

New South Wales Religious Freedom

Gay conversion law would ban suppression of gender identity

The New South Wales Government’s plans to ban gay conversion therapy will be expanded to include making it illegal to change or suppress a person identifying as trans or gender diverse. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

In The Dioceses Vocations

Fun runners aim to raise awareness of Catholic vocations

A team taking part in the annual City2Surf fun run in Sydney this Sunday will be raising awareness about Catholic vocations. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Immigration Pope Francis

Don’t be indifferent to migrant tragedies: Pope

Following yet another migrant tragedy in the Mediterranean, Pope Francis has expressed his sorrow and urged people not to be indifferent in the face of continuing migrant deaths during dangerous sea crossings. Source: Vatican News.

Peace United States

Catholic protest outside White House marks anniversary of atomic bombings

Catholics marked the 78th anniversary of the United States’ 1945 atomic bombings in Japan with calls for nuclear disarmament, prayers for peace and a protest at the White House. Source: OSV News.

Film Review

Alien lands in Wes Anderson’s unique world

A sci-fi comedy-drama, Asteroid City tells the story of a Junior Stargazer convention in the United States, which is disrupted by an alien from another planet. Source: Australian Catholics.