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New appeal helps people with disability to ‘Work It!’ 

Melbourne-based Catholic aged and disability organisation VMCH will support young people with disabilities to enter the workforce and begin their journey to independence. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Pacific Vatican

Vatican urges rich countries to cancel debt for poor small island nations

The Holy See has called for increased efforts from developed nations to help small island nations achieve their sustainable development goals by cancelling their debt. Source: Vatican News.

Synod United States

US Synod report sees Church as ‘safe harbour’ and ‘fiery communion’ 

Growth, undeniable tensions and “a deep desire to rebuild and strengthen” the body of Christ have emerged as key themes in the latest Synod report for the Church in the United States. Source: OSV News.

Africa Climate

Diocese builds new dam to sustain life in dry region

A diocese in Zimbabwe has rebuilt its own dam as part of faith-based responses to water challenges brought by climate change. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis

Pope apologises for offence caused by use of derogatory word

The Vatican has issued an apology after Pope Francis’ use of an offensive word in Italian regarding seminarians who identify as gay. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom

Dutton calls hate speech move ‘a trap’ as discrimination talks falter

Labor’s hopes of passing two key bills with bipartisan support have taken a hit with a breakdown in negotiations on religious discrimination and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, labelling its hate speech proposal a “trap”. Source: The Guardian.

Foreign Aid Pacific

Australia stands alongside PNG, sends aid after landslide 

Australia is holding out hope for Papua New Guinea following a deadly landslide, with assistance already under way, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said. Source: SBS News.

Legal Matters

Townsville priest thanks supporters after charges against him dropped

A North Queensland priest accused of child sexual abuse has had all charges dropped after his lawyers told the court claims against him had been either fabricated or mistaken. Source: ABC News.

First Nations

Aboriginal consultant a ‘passionate advocate’ for heritage and culture

Preserving culture and improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members is of utmost importance to CatholicCare Tasmania’s Alarna Page. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.