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Articles By This Author

Cost Of Living Politics

Chalmers says tax changes will benefit ‘the many’ rather than ‘the few’

The Albanese Government, in an election promise backflip, will overhaul stage 3 tax cuts, leaving most Australians with extra cash in their pocket when the measures take effect in July. Source: ABC News.

Modern Slavery

ACAN says anti-slavery commissioner must have power and resources

The Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network is calling for an independent Australian anti-slavery commissioner with the power and resources to do their job effectively.

Communications Digital Life Pope Francis

Pope focuses on AI in message for World Day of Social Communications

Pope Francis has released his message for the 2024 World Day of Social Communications, focusing on the theme “Artificial Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Heart: Towards a Fully Human Communication”. Source: Vatican News. 

Schools South Australia

New law would require SA private schools to release more data

Catholic and independent schools in South Australia would be forced to reveal how often they suspend students, how many serious incidents occur on school grounds and how many complaints they receive, under proposed new laws. Source: The Advertiser.

New South Wales Religious Freedom

Christians urged to oppose NSW ‘equality’ bill

Religious freedom is back on the agenda in New South Wales, with debate rapidly approaching on the “equality” bill introduced by the state’s independent member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Digital Life Media Prayer

New podcast series explores the power of prayer 

In a year that has been dedicated to prayer by Pope Francis, Majellan Media has launched a new “Prayer is Life” podcast series featuring Redemptorist priest Father David Hore CSsR. 

Arts and Entertainment United States

Catholic University to auction Wizard of Oz dress

The Catholic University of America is set to auction the legendary blue gingham checkered dress worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, after a court ruling greenlit the auction. Source: OSV News.

Film Review

Uplifting story of survival, faith and hope – with good songs

In the movie musical The Color Purple, a woman faces many hardships but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood. Source: Australian Catholics.


CathNews is back on Monday

CathNews will not be published tomorrow, January 26, due to the Australia Day public holiday.