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Articles By This Author

Leadership Women

Highlighting the dignity of women on International Women’s Day

Highlighting the dignity of women is the focus of two new resources being released to mark International Women’s Day today. Source: ACBC.

Synodality Women

Voices of women raised at Holy See embassy conference

In preparation for International Women’s Day, a conference in Rome sponsored by the Australian embassy to the Holy See looked at how the Synod on Synodality was raising women’s voices. Source: CNS. 

Pope Francis Safeguarding

Church’s efforts to safeguard minors must not wane: Pope

The Church should not be discouraged by the challenge of confronting sexual abuse, Pope Francis said yesterday, rather it must take concrete steps in developing policies to preserve the dignity of its members. Source: NCR Online.

Aged Care Politics

Government urged to fund $1.9 billion wage rise for aged care sector 

Catholic Health Australia is urging the Albanese Government to fund a $1.9 billion a year wage rise for the aged care sector’s direct care workers and residential indirect care workers. Source: The Australian. 


Productivity Commission report sees little value in religion

The Productivity Commission’s draft report on philanthropy represents a major attack on Catholic and other faith-based schools, religious charities and – ultimately – on religion itself, writes Zed Seselja. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Legal Matters

New Zealand police will not lay charges against Cardinal Dew

New Zealand Police found no evidence to substantiate allegations of abuse against Wellington Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal John Dew and will not be laying charges against him. Source: NZ Catholic.

Easter Pope Francis

Pope to again celebrate Holy Thursday Mass in a prison

Pope Francis will continue his custom of celebrating Holy Thursday Mass in a prison during Holy Week 2024. Source: OSV News.

Film Review

Honouring the little-known work of a fearless woman of faith

In Cabrini, an Italian immigrant witnesses disease and poverty in the slums of New York and embarks on a daring journey to establish housing and healthcare for hundreds of orphaned children. Source: Australian Catholics.


CathNews returns on Tuesday

CathNews will not be published on Monday, March 11, due to public holidays in Victoria, ACT, South Australia and Tasmania.Â