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Articles By This Author

Politics Religious Freedom

Christian groups back Labor’s plan to tackle hate speech

Christian groups have swung their support behind Labor’s proposed bans on extreme hate speech as part of a new federal religious discrimination act. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Cost Of Living Politics

Albanese recalls MPs two weeks early to tackle cost-of-living crisis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called Labor MPs back to Canberra nearly two weeks early to discuss the cost-of-living crisis facing Australian households. Source: ABC News.

Social Services

We are only as strong as our weakest link: Bishop Long

“It is in the interest of our health and our future to ensure that everyone’s wellbeing is safeguarded,” Parramatta Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv said ahead of the 2024 Catholic Social Services Conference in Melbourne next month.


Introduction of voluntary assisted dying fails to reduce suicide rate

New research published in the Journal of Ethics in Mental Health has found that the introduction of voluntary assisted dying has failed to reduce the rate of unassisted suicide in Victoria, writes David Albert Jones. Source: Mercator.


New chairman ‘an exciting new chapter’ for Catholic education 

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP says the appointment of Mark Dorney as the new Catholic Schools NSW chairman marks an exciting new chapter for Catholic education. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

HIgher Education Pope Francis

Catholic universities must be more than a business: Pope

Respect for the dignity of every person and for his or her values is as much a part of the identity of a Catholic university as faith, Pope Francis has told members of the International Federation of Catholic Universities. Source: CNS.

Europe Synodality

German synodal path ‘cannot end well’, Cardinal Kasper warns

Cardinal Walter Kasper warned the leaders of the German synodal path initiative that their plans were “overshooting the target” for synodality and will not “end well”. Source: The Tablet.

South East Asia

Indonesian bishops ensure Catholics free to vote in election

As Indonesians heads to the polls on February 14, which also happens to be Ash Wednesday this year, the country’s bishops are making special provisions to ensure that the minority Catholic population can vote. Source: Crux.

Cost Of Living Politics

Community advocates urge Government to drop tax cuts

Controversial tax cuts that would benefit high earners must be scrapped to fund desperately needed cost-of-living relief, welfare advocates say. Source: The New Daily.