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Politics Religious Freedom

NT chief says anti-discrimination bill ‘strikes a balance’

Northern Territory Chief Minister Natasha Fyles says her Government’s Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill aims to strike a balance between providing exemptions and removing the right to discriminate. Source: NT News.


Almost one million affordable homes needed by 2041

Almost one million households, many in Sydney and Melbourne, face housing stress or living in unsuitable accommodation over the next two decades unless there is a ramp-up in community housing. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Social Services

Tougher regulations on the cards for ‘buy now, pay later’ schemes

Catholic Social Services Australia has welcomed plans by the Albanese Government to tighten regulations around the “buy now, pay later” industry.

Appointment Charity

Archbishop Coleridge appointed to Caritas board

Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge has been formally appointed to the board of Caritas Australia and will begin his tenure this week.

Easter Ecumenism

Pope tells Patriarch Catholics ready for common Easter date

Meeting the Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, Pope Francis expressed his hope that Christians of the East and West could finally agree on a common date for celebrating Easter. Source: NCR Online.


Korean religious protest airport development

Catholic religious sisters in South Korea have marched on the streets and called for an upcoming airport project to be halted. Source: UCA News.

Pope Francis

Pope visits his father’s hometown in Italy

Pope Francis made a rare personal getaway on Saturday, returning to his father’s birthplace in northern Italy to celebrate the 90th birthday of a second cousin who long ago knew him as simply “Giorgio”. Source: Crux.

Religious Freedom

Politicians join protesters in call to halt NT anti-discrimination bill

A former Northern Territory Labor attorney-general says the NT Government should delay its contentious anti-discrimination legislation until a federal government review is complete. Source: NT News.


Report documents increase in persecution of Christians

Jihadists and nationalists are driving increased persecution of Christians around the world, according to a new Aid to the Church in Need report.