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Asia Martyrs

Korean diocese honours martyred missionary priest

Wonju Diocese in South Korea has unveiled a statue of the US-born missionary priest James Maginn who was martyred by North Korean communist forces during the Korean War. Source: UCA News.


Economic mobility makes Australia land of the fair go, for most: report

Australia is the land of the fair go, according to the Productivity Commission, with most people able to get ahead based on their talents and available opportunities and able to earn more than their parents. Source: SMH.


More providers pull out following latest pay freeze

Tens of thousands of people with a disability face losing their NDIS support co-ordinator, after more than 300 providers indicated they will pull out of the disability scheme following a fifth consecutive annual pay freeze. Source: Daily Telegraph.


New-look program aims to break cycle of homelessness

People at risk of sleeping rough in Melbourne’s north and west and on the eastern fringes will be among the first to access the Victorian government’s overhauled homelessness-to-housing pathway. Source: The Age.


Sisters celebrate 80 years of service on the highways and byways

The Missionary Sisters of Service celebrated the 80th anniversary of their foundation this week, with many of the Melbourne-based sisters joining the community of St Thomas the Apostle Parish in Blackburn on July 7 to mark the occasion. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Artificial Intelligence

Pope calls on religious leaders to push for ethical AI development

Pope Francis has called on representatives from the world’s religions to unite behind the defence of human dignity in an age that will be defined by artificial intelligence. Source: CNS.


Paint and play: connecting with culture at NAIDOC netball day

Six Catholic schools across the New South Wales Hunter region have come together to paint totems and play netball to recognise NAIDOC week. Source:

Fundraising Mission

Supporting the people of Myanmar one step at a time

Thousands of Australians will walk in solidarity with the people of Myanmar on St Ignatius Day, July 31, by taking part in One Foot Raised. Source: Jesuit Mission.

Mary Spirituality

Vatican approves ‘Mystical Rose’ Marian apparitions

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has announced the approval of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Pierina Gilli, an Italian visionary, in 1947 and 1966. Source: CNA.