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Church Life

Christian leaders expect packed churches this Easter

Churches will be packed this Easter, according to Christian leaders who believe the demise of religion has been exaggerated. Source: Canberra Times

Church Life Laity

Conference explores shared mission for clergy and laity

Archbishop Christopher Prowse says a gathering at the Vatican this week will help clergy and lay people alike better understand how they can work together to carry out God’s mission. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Church Life Global Church

Where in the world is Mass attendance highest?

The nation with the best Mass attendance in the world could be Nigeria, according to a new study published by the United States-based Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate. Source: Aleteia.

Church Life United States

Church-going in US remains lower than before pandemic: study

The percentage of Americans who attend religious services is now “significantly lower” than before the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among young people and other groups less likely to regularly attend, a new survey shows. Source: CNA.

Church Life Clergy Diaconate

Deacons play ‘critically important’ role

Australia’s diaconate is “a critically important part of the emerging Church” NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald told members of the community. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Church Life

Vatican II was necessary: Benedict XVI

The Second Vatican Council, which opened 60 years ago this month, was “not only meaningful, but necessary”, retired Pope Benedict XVI said. Source: CNS.