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Outstanding educators in a class of their own

Nine leading South Australian educators, including one who helps students raise chickens called Hennifer Lopez and Eggie Betts, were recognised at the annual Catholic Education Awards ceremony. Source: The Southern Cross.

Education In The Dioceses

Townsville Catholic schools celebrate milestone

Townsville Catholic Education is celebrating 150 years of educating students – with two schools opened in 1873 by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Source: The Catholic Leader.


High schools told to go ‘back to basics’ to help struggling students, teachers

Illiterate teenagers who copy and paste Wikipedia for assignments and maths teachers who can’t teach children to count show the need for a “back to basics” approach in classrooms, according to new government research. Source: The Australian.


Falling enrolments put Catholic schools at risk of closure

The future of Melbourne’s small Catholic schools could be at risk as four inner-city Catholic primary schools face potential closure due to tiny student numbers. Source: The Age.


Catholic Education welcomes funding for school upgrades and equipment

The National Catholic Education Commission has welcomed the Albanese Government’s announcement of funding for school upgrades and new equipment.

Digital Life Education

New podcast brings faith to students

Religious education will be greatly enhanced in Catholic schools through a new podcast exploring key areas covered in the primary and secondary curriculum in ways that are readily accessible to all students whatever their faith background. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Education Religious Orders

‘Our community is lucky to be able to stand on the shoulders of the giants’

Patrician Brothers gathered with staff at All Saints College, Maitland this week as their community celebrated 140 years of ministry in Australia. Source: MNnews.Today.


Teacher shortage may force Canberra schools to return to remote learning

ACT schools may have to resort to remote learning in term 2 as educators brace for staff shortages due to winter illnesses and the nationwide teacher shortage. Source: Canberra Times. 


School’s breakfast club helps kids eat up their lessons

A wellbeing program that offers free breakfasts is helping to “nourish” students at a Melbourne Catholic primary school, while helping them to “flourish” in mental and physical development. Source: Melbourne Catholic.