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Teachers paid more, parents pay more in Australia: report

A new international report shows Australian teachers are paid more than their counterparts in other rich nations, and the country spends more on education generally, but relies more heavily on private tuition fees. Source: SMH.

Education World

NZ bishops issue guidelines to support young people

The Catholic bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand have published new guidelines for the country’s 235 Catholic schools to support young people with regard to sexual diversity. Source: NZCBC.

Education Victoria

Fair Catholic Funding election campaign launched

Catholic school parents and principals are being urged to get behind a campaign to pressure Victoria’s major parties into a record $800 million election funding commitment to upgrade dilapidated school buildings. Source: The Age.


Dioceses look to Ireland to fill gaps in regional schools

Education leaders from two regional Victorian dioceses will travel to Ireland this week in a bid to recruit teachers for local schools, as the struggle to fill vacancies continues. Source: Bendigo Advertiser.